in thoughts...

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

still wide awake.
Had Tehcinno.
Went jogging (partly to return keys for meeting room - forgot to drop it in pigeon hole of office just now. And hmm, they do shut off all the lights in the dept at night. Late night that is..was a bit scary walking thru the long corridor in the dark. Just had this feeling that some alarm was gonna go off and some security guard was gonna pop up from nowhere... haha... and i was breathing quite heavily cos I had been jogging, but it just made me feel more nervous too... haha... James-Lange theory of emotion?)
Had nice cold shower.
Just finished doing laundry. Nd, I'm almost about to beat your record of washing till 5am... haha...or was it 6am?

Was telling Aud and SY why I'm fed up with my elang proj. Not just becos of the group - they're getting better and I'm starting to slack to match them, hah. It's becos you're assigned a task - an experiment to do, then instructions tell you to go find literature reviews and past experiments and justify, give a rationale for the experiment that you did.

Hallo?? I din even design the experiment we were told to carry out? If I was interested in this particular topic, the way I design my experiment would have been VERY different. As it is, the experiment we carried out is so basic that I'm having trouble squeezing out a reason why it's worth carrying out in the first place.

Jogging helps. Clears your mind. I've FINALLY seen the light. It's crap, but at least it's good crap. and now I'll be able to start on my introduction to the paper, so my other group members can crap more. MUAHAHA.

411am. Good time to start. Aim: finish within 45 min. Hah.

One more obstacle on the way down. Hah.
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/17/2004 04:13:00 AM

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