in thoughts...

Monday, March 15, 2004

Setting Goals...

went for tuition with B today... he did great for his maths 94/100.. but science dropped to 78/100... his school's quite good... he's Primary 4 this year - think streaming - so they actually have this "report card" that tells you his CA1 actual scores, then next to it is a column where you're supposed to write down your target for his SA1, and next to that is a column for actual SA1 scores, and so on...

setting goals... quite good to inculcate this in kids... tot the idea's quite cool... not sure if they do it only for Pri 4 and maybe Pri 6 students only or for all students...

think I should be setting my own goals soon too... sigh... this sem damn slacker... shits...

oh and R improved for her Maths too! cool... damn happy when they do well... haha... small happinesses mah... makes my day...
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/15/2004 12:16:00 AM

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