in thoughts...

Monday, March 15, 2004

Oh man... do such people actually exist??

omigosh... have to do a sudden tutorial presentation for one of my modules and had to die die find some group to do with, so me and my friend just went over to this relatively small group to ask if we could join...

I was a bit reluctant, cos I spotted this guy in the group - i had taken a similar module with him and was in the same tutorial small discussion group... oh gosh... pure horror... this guy, I have no doubt that he's smart (high IQ), but I seriously his EQ ranges anywhere near.. Anyway that was in my Year 1 Semester 1, which, come to think of it, is really quite some time ago... So... I thought he might have changed a bit...


Email from him. I wanted to laugh, but realized that no joke, I'm stuck in the same group with him again, and he's still irritating like hell... oh man... if anything, he's become worse...

One simple email, he writes like he's writing an essay or an article for a column in some wanna-be-witty newspaper... oh gosh... and I SERIOUSLY suspect that he thinks he's funny... gosh... spare me your sense of humour man...

oh man... oh man... I'm kinda glad this sem's soon coming to an end... tot my other project group was bad - that one's low on competence... this one, is just off to a damn weird start... which I think will become worse... oh gosh...
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/15/2004 11:43:00 PM

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