in thoughts...

Monday, July 18, 2005

moments from internship

finally.. my first weekday without work for a while.. ha
oh wait not really.. took leave last week.. ha
anyway.. YL was real sweet to give us all gifts on our last day
gave the girls plates from ikea with fabric paint words on them.. :)
and gave the guys postcards
which i think began the computer comments (cos D's card was some comment drawing an analogy between humans and computers)

D: oh there was one - Men are just like computers; you have to turn them on before you can do anything with them.
Al: one about women - Women are just like computers; you only like the one you have until the next better model comes up.
(i expressed my disagreement with this comment, ha)
Al: Oh, i just thought of one: Women are just like computers; there is one you put at home and some that you bring around with you when you're out. (ie laptops, palmtops)
(i was still disagreeing, but thought, Al actually quite creative ah? haha)

think this group of people really quite fun.. but some moments really laughed but now can't remember liao...but this one was just last tue, so i remember:

we were talking about the futility of some actions, and YL and N were trying to outdo each other in terms of futile acts -
YL: Why do you put makeup when you're gonna wash it off again tonight?
N: Why do you wash your makeup off when you're gonna put it on again tomorrow morning?
YL: Why do you put perfume when you're gonna shower tonight?
N: Why do you make your bed if you're gonna sleep in it again tonight?
YL: i dun! ha
N: Why do you wipe your ass if you're gonna shit again tomorrow?

yeah, we were bored.. ha.. but this wasn't during working time.. we were waiting for the rest to get ready to set off together for our mini-farewell dinner just for interns..

not really gonna miss the work, but maybe just the people.. ha..
posted by Sodium-squared at 7/18/2005 12:07:00 PM

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