in thoughts...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

i'm having the sniffies.
sniffles. whatever.

how weird.
i go all sniffy when i'm doing my learning module assignment which involves training a virtual rat.
and the rat's name is Sniffy. HAH.

i haven't watched many of the computer webcast lectures.
or rather, when i did "watch" it, i mainly listened while i did other stuff (read blogs or something)
but i do remember the lecture complaining that he wanted to call up Dell to fix his laptop (the woes of the spoilt computer/laptop. i can SOOOOO empathize)
and he said somehow he couldn't find the number to call.
it's not listed on their adverts but it is hidden in some obscure corner of their website. hah.
he said he spent quite some time finding it (and when he did find it to call, the person gave him even more problems. HAH. I can soo empathize with that too.)
the weirdest pieces of information i remember..
i dun seem to remember what topic he was lecturing about though. i remember all the useless stuff.
and now as i sit in front of the DELL computer terminal in AS7
(someone managed to get DELL to sponsor all mousepads or something)
on the mousepad reads:
Call DELL today!

i mean, okie, maybe it's an internationally distributed mousepad and therefore not very feasible to put international numbers on it
but it's just weird to see "Call someone" and the number's not listed.
i mean they could have put "Visit our website today!" or something.
posted by Sodium-squared at 4/07/2005 04:42:00 PM

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