in thoughts...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

no afterlife?

just catching up on a few of Wanda's past entries, read this bit from the entry Funerals, Part Deux:

There's that nagging little doubt that burrows it's self into the depths of my mind. What if there is no life after death? What if we simply cease to exist? Which I guess shouldn't be so scary. After all if we cease to exist then we don't know we've ceased to exist, right? And if you've led a pretty questionable life and your not heaven bound, wouldn't ceasing to exist be better than hell?

pretty cool thought.
actually come to think of it,
i'd rather there's totally no life after death.
meaning no hell, AND no heaven.
and no in-between ground too thank you, for wondering ghosts. hah.
that way, no one will feel sad after they die.
cos they wun feel anything.
can you imagine if you went to heaven and your loved one didn't?
you gotta spend eternity without your loved one.
that idea sucks.
which is probably why people try so hard
to get people they care about to be a believer of their religion.
i get the kind intention, but neh...

and anyway
what do you spend eternity doing?
something about what Freud said
"Arbeiten und Lieben"
Work and Love being important aspects of life
i dunno what heaven looks like
but i guess this image of dreamy skies, beautiful flowers is conjured up in my mind
no doubt the influence of movies and books
i can't imagine people working there
what do they do? Trim rose bushes?
maybe they go around expressing their love for that brother or this sister
Work and Love still, in eternity.

or maybe they just sit around applying fat-free butter to bread
for "a taste of heaven". hah.

wait, heaven got food or not huh??
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/12/2005 11:17:00 PM

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