in thoughts...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

the chicken story

heard this on radio over lunch -

this person goes to visit a chicken farm, where she sees a worker feeding a few chickens that were running free, not in cages like the rest of the chickens.
She went up offering her help to put these few chickens back to their cages, but the worker rejected her help.
Apparently they have to keep a few chickens running free, in full sight of the caged up chickens, so the latter will not attempt suicide, stop laying eggs or die of despair of never going free.

somehow... made me think of humans.
though i do suppose humans are more complicated ;)
but sometimes i really think,
maybe we're just blindly doing what we do,
in hope that we can be like some people we hold in awe or envy
though in fact we may actually be manipulated by others
to just do what they want us to do
i mean, come on, i doubt the chickens really wanted to lay that many eggs
anyway the eggs are mainly not going towards their reproduction
which some argue is supposed to be the ultimate reason for their survival
the eggs are mainly going towards consumption by humans

but maybe if we focus on doing what only we wanna do
if the caged chickens decide that hey, i'm not gonna lay eggs just cos you expect me to
then maybe the rebellious caged chickens might just face the fate of being slaughtered
now now...
is it better to live a life you don't want
or die a death you don't want?

on another level
perhaps we really need some goal
some aim
some hope
even if unattainable ever,
if it helps us in the day-to-day
to strive for a better life
maybe it ain't so bad
perhaps then, i shouldn't be so critical of people who buy lottery fervently?
(though i seriously think that it's a waste of money)

oh well.

posted by Sodium-squared at 1/05/2005 02:55:00 PM

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