in thoughts...

Monday, March 07, 2005

"drink" for thought...

haven't had much to blog about.
haven't been reading many blogs cos many ppl ain't updating.
i go thru a routine almost daily, clicking on all my frequent reads
and while it used to take a flat 2 hours last time
nowadays it takes me half an hour at most.
anyway... one of my frequent reads
always witty, always amusing,
and offers much food for thought.
just nothing with dairy content tho. ;)
No Milk Please

something about this recent entry "Dry"
about a book about alcoholism (and well, life too i suppose)
read his entry please, i dun do the book or his entry any justice. hah.
one part, well, i wouldn't say it shook me hard
but it did nudge me quite a bit.

Another character, with terminal breast cancer, muses about how she didn’t
realize the insidiousness of alcoholism:

“Back when I was drinking, when I thought nothing [bad] had ever happened to me, something did. A lot of time passed. In bars, at parties with people I didn’t care for. It wasn’t about love or reading the Sunday paper in bed or anything that people call ‘life.’ It was always about drinking. So actually, something bad, very bad, did happen to me. I wasted my life.”

But before you think that this book is a downer, it’s not.

It’s a book with a real message: that life is about living, not to drink and
withdraw from.

not because i drink.
i dun.
well hardly.
but that line in bold, written by the blogger Paul,
i guess it's something we can all think about.
that life's not something to withdraw from.

and just before i read this,
i was just opening my room window and thinking
how wonderful it's been for this past year
having a room to escape back to.
when i dun feel like socializing
when i feel like being alone
when i feel like i have to try so darn hard to socialize
when i dun feel like facing up to certain things
withdrawal from reality
withdrawal from people
withdrawal from whatever i dun like or dun wanna know
but i guess the very things i was hiding from
are the very things that make up life.
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/07/2005 10:04:00 PM

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