in thoughts...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

tonight's 音乐日记

wah blog diarrhoea hah

not sure if anyone heard 音乐日记 tonight
but it was about this working gal
who stained her skirt during *ahem* that time of the month
apparently the only other 2 girls in the company were out on meetings etc
so no one to send "aid" and she din know what to do
so she hid in an empty conference meeting room
and she suddenly realized that there was this guy in the room
and he apparently knew what's up with her cos he saw
(when she was sneaking into the conference room she had her back to him)
and she was damn paiseh
but he just walked up to her and asked
"what brand you use?"
and she, though paiseh, told him
and he went to get for her

she was wondering why he was taking so long
cos there was some shop just downstairs
and when he came back she din even say thanks - just snatched the plastic bag from him
then when she was in the loo
she opened the bag to find not only the much-needed pad
but underwear
and GET THIS -
he bought a skirt similar to the one she was wearing that day
that was why he took so long

my GOSH.
machiam make movie lidat
but that's damn sweet la
and they're together now
and he always carries a sanitary pad with him when he goes out with her

idea for you guys out there isn't it
okie mayb not 万事通 la,
but i'm sure even if you dun get hitched with the girl,
you'll have her utmost heartfelt appreciation
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/16/2005 10:14:00 PM

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