in thoughts...

Friday, October 29, 2004

a "heat-ed" argument

okie. i sense some heat in the argument.
and thus i shall not use any expletives, vulgarities and so on.
*flashes angelic smile*

the idea of "heat" in animals, if you want to apply it to humans,
i'll go along with that.
so for women, when will that be?
ovulation time i gather.
that's when the woman is most fertile
please correct me if i'm wrong
i'm not a bio student
gathered that info from a comment from J's blog (can't remember for sure)

now now
during ovulation i suppose women thus give out certain pheromones
that i suppose you can draw a parallel to animals,
let's say female cats in heat.
the male species "senses" that heat
REACTS to that by trying to mate with the female.
the male cat mates with the female cat
they have pretty little kittens (good for them! genes passed on. bad for AVA.)

In the animal kingdom
Knowing that the female is in heat
AND then having intercourse with that female
i think i can safely say
is perfectly legitimate
after all the ultimate aim in life
is to pass on the genes, no?
last i heard they haven't had any constitution or charter for the females yet

In the human world
Knowing that the female is ovulating (in heat I assumed)
Doesn't mean the guy can just go ahead and have sex with her
because HER ultimate goal in life may not be to have babies
maybe not ever to have babies
maybe not now
maybe not with this guy
Correct interpretation of the "heat" season for this girl by this guy
doesn't entitle him to "help" her fulfill what he "thinks" she needs

because, come on, think about it
when women ovulate, which is EVERY month
they can't say to their pheromones,
"hey don't travel out to guys! I don't want to get raped!"
we can't help sending out these pheromones
and if you're telling me
by sending out these pheromones i'm inviting rape
well thanks for that
i think i should lock myself up for those few days every month
i mean, an innocent guy reading my pheromones
might do something wrong
and it'll be my fault if he goes to jail.

we are not just animals
we have morals
which indicate that rape is immoral
(rape - "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent" - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

and maybe you'll argue that the human is just another animal
but think again
are we just another type of animal?

"You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let''s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"
- The Bad Touch, Bloodhound Gang


and yes for the politically correct disclaimer - i'm okie with many many things, but some things just get me fired up all the wrong ways. sorry if i offended anyone. wasn't intentional. just need to get it out of my system.

and for the previous quiz that said I am "a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to [my] peaceful, nurturing nature."

well okie THAT one is bullshit.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/29/2004 01:23:00 AM

Thursday, October 28, 2004


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/28/2004 10:57:00 AM

whose fault is it?

had wanted to blog about biology and gender - this reading i had to do for soci tutorial
but was thinking maybe go and sleep, think about it then blog
then saw J's blog entry about rape
asking if people think it's the girl's fault
that got me quite hmm worked up i guess

and all the reasons that rapists come out with to defend themselves
"She was just asking for it - look at the way she dresses"
"She was crying out 'No' in a way that meant "YES!" - I was just reading her non-verbal cues."
"Look at the way she dresses and carries herself - she's not a virgin anyway." (and that, may i add, is so TOTALLY NOT THE POINT!!)

a quote from the article "Ordained by Nature - Biology Constructs the Sexes" by Kimmel

"Perhaps human rapists, in their own criminally misguided way, are doing the best they can to maximize their fitness," writes Barash (a psychobiologist). Rape, for men, is simply an "adaptive" reproductive strategy for the less successful male - sex by other means. If you can't pass on your genetic material by seduction, then pass it on by rape.

Don't blame the men, though - or even their genetic imperatives. It's really women's fault. "As females evolved to deny males the opportunity to compete at ovulation time, copulation with unwilling females became a feasible strategy for achieving copulation," write Richard Alexander and K. M. Noonan. If women were only a bit more compliant, it would seem, men wouldn't be forced to resort to rape as a reproductive tactic.

what bullshit.
you know what?
you wanna talk evolution?
there's a reason why these guys couldn't get the females they wanted
and thus could not reproduce by usual means of seduction and what have you.
they were meant to be sieved out through evolution.
cos instead of having a brain, they only got a penis.
yeah poor thing.
no free will.
no brain to think.
the little buddy down there controls it all.

but hey.
don't blame the women.
this is only evolution at work mah.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/28/2004 01:21:00 AM

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

NOT my bra.

okie i din wanna post this

cos LACE is SO not me. urgh

but zhen wants to see the bra. oh well. hahah.

You Are a Lace Bra!

Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine
You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men
Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome
With a softer side that only you can draw out

What Kind of Bra Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/27/2004 01:27:00 AM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Answering Machine Messages

Actual Answering Machine Messages Recorded and Verified By The World Famous
International Institute of Answering Machine Messages:
My wife and I can't come to the phone right now, but if you'll leave your name and number, we'll get back to you as soon as we're finished.
Hello, you've reached Jim and Sonya. We can't pick up the phone right now, because we're doing something we really enjoy. Sonya likes doing it up and down, and I like doing it left to right... real slowly. So leave a message, and when we're done brushing our teeth, we'll call you back.
A is for academics, B is for beer. One of those reasons is why we're not here. So, leave a message.
Hi. Now YOU say something.
Hello, you are talking to a machine. I am capable of receiving messages. My owners do not need siding, windows or a hot tub, and their carpets are clean. They give to charity at the office and don't need their picture taken. If you're still with me, leave your name and home phone number and they will get back to you.
Hi! John's answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I'll stick your message to myself with one of those little magnets.
This is not an answering machine - this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After the tone, think about your name, your number, and your reason for calling.... and I'll think about returning your call.
Hello! If you leave a message, I'll call you soon. If you leave a "sexy" message, I'll call sooner.
Hi. I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call back, it's you.
Hi. This is John: If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents, please send money. If you are my bank, you didn't lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money. If you are a female, don't worry, I have LOTS of money.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/26/2004 10:24:00 PM

Monday, October 25, 2004

woah.. WOAH... woah... WOAH...wOaH...WoAh...

was preparing to dump my food into my rice-cooker when my friend came to talk to me on msn
told me about a friend from our sec sch who's getting married soon
she's not even 20 yet
still studying now, probably gonna graduate end of this acad year

but hmmm
dunno if the news came as a shock
this is the first time i think that someone my own age whom i know is getting married
suddenly my lunch seemed a bit hard to stomach
(or maybe the news was too much to stomach)
urgh feel like puking

but woah, must clarify
not because i dun like the person
but just
i dunno - just feeling like
just woah
i can't find a word to describe it

my fren told me about her other friend and her fiance
working like mad every month giving tuition while studying
and they have a car and flat ALREADY

i mean, here i am
still studying, just past my 21st birthday
and a classmate is getting married
i haven't even lived my life yet??!!
I dun think it's envy
it's more like -
how can people my age know that this is what they want
when i haven't even decided my direction yet?

it's like i'm still learning to walk
and these people are scaling mountains already

and did i already say...


urgh - need lunch need lunch but dun feel like eating

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/25/2004 02:10:00 PM

heh haven't done quizzes for a while..

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/25/2004 01:14:00 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2004

"I believe in love, not in fear."

was trying to search for stuff for my soci debate that day.
the motion was "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

came across this site and i thought it was good. though not very relevant to my search for material to use in the debate. By this person called Keith Boykin...

and sometimes, religion is as simple as that i guess..


June 18, 2002

"So are you a Christian?"
Yes, very much, I answer.

"But you don't believe in heaven or hell. You don't believe in sin. You don't take the Bible literally. Are you really a Christian?"
Yes, I answer.

"But you're openly gay. Are you sure you're a Christian?"
Yes, I answer.

"But you don't go to church. Are you positive you're a Christian?"
Yes, I answer again.

"Then what does it mean to be a Christian to you?"
I believe in Christ. When Christ was asked to choose the greatest commandment, he said -- to love (Matthew 22:35-40). This is what Christianity means to me. It means unconditional love, of myself and everyone else.

It's not enough to love those who love me. That's easy. It's more challenging to find a way to love those who hate and despise me. I do not believe in hell because I cannot accept the idea that the same God who expects us to love unconditionally would be incapable of doing it himself/herself/itself.

Nor do I believe that Christianity is the exclusive religion of God. Two-thirds of the world's population are not Christian, most simply by accident of birth. I cannot accept the idea that God, who loves us all, condemned the majority of the world to eternal damnation simply because of where they were born.

"But aren't you afraid of being wrong?"
No, I am a Christian. I believe in love, not in fear.

© Copyright 2002 by Keith Boykin.

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/14/2004 03:22:00 PM

Saturday, October 09, 2004

this one's just for fun...

went with db n zhen to get nd's present.. went to body shop and all 3 of us were infatuated with the satsuma (or something) orange-y smell body shower foam.

me and zhen were basically like - get! get! get for him! nice! nice!

db - why do you want a GUY to smell like a fruit??!!


so.. your views anyone?
which guy minds smelling like a fruit eh? ( let me EMPHASIZE that it really smells super nice!!)
which girl minds her guy smelling like a fruit? (did i tell you already that it REALLY smells very nice? hahaha)
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/09/2004 01:31:00 AM

random thoughts about family...

it started with soci tutorial.

topic: family (and state policy and influence)

it was one of the first tutorials that i felt was a bit more engaging - hmmm me and deb and ang seem quite disappointed with the soci intro module - soci in terms of content, i can tell, is still interesting, but erm the way the module is conducted, if i were a year one, i wouldn't be terribly wanting to major in it. dunno. deb and i were thinking we're "corrupted" by the psychology perspective.. haha..

anyway. back to the tutorial.

there was totally no consensus about what really constitutes a family.

Is a family... made up by blood ties?

consider an adopted child. no blood ties but still he/she could feel like part of the family, and people will also consider him/her as part of the family that brought him/her up.

consider sworn brothers or sisters. no blood ties but sometimes the bond feels stronger than that of real siblings.

consider step-siblings. Seen as a family in law, but may not feel like a real family. If they do feel like a real family, they're not bonded by blood ties either.

Does a family... mean staying together?

consider an adult staying alone apart from his/her family. staying apart doesn't mean he/she is no longer a part of the family.

consider an adult who starts his/her own family and then staying apart from his/her parents. Still part of the family.

consider a family where all the members stay together but do not talk to one another, do not like one another's presence. family? think again.

Does a family... mean one father, one mother, plus children?

consider a couple without children - are they "just" a couple, or are they a family? (pondered over this point for a long time - is a family incomplete without children?)

THEN consider a same-sex couple. if your answer to the previous question was that a family is complete without children, then a same-sex couple CAN be considered a "family" right? They could even adopt children if they want. Just that they don't have the typical one man as papa, one woman as mama thing. then again, one could still play the paternalistic role while the other could play the maternalistic role.

Well, consider a single parent family. Just one parent with children. still a family wat.

was filling in indemnity form when my attention was brought to the item: Next of Kin.

next of kin.. implying blood ties, no?( i may be wrong here..)

when you get married, your spouse can be considered your next of kin, no?

marriage. a kind of status. legal recognition.

when a person totally unrelated to you becomes your next of kin, it's as if the law created that blood tie. the law recognizes the children you may have - for the real blood ties you're going to create.


family. something to think about.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/09/2004 01:25:00 AM