in thoughts...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

whose fault is it?

had wanted to blog about biology and gender - this reading i had to do for soci tutorial
but was thinking maybe go and sleep, think about it then blog
then saw J's blog entry about rape
asking if people think it's the girl's fault
that got me quite hmm worked up i guess

and all the reasons that rapists come out with to defend themselves
"She was just asking for it - look at the way she dresses"
"She was crying out 'No' in a way that meant "YES!" - I was just reading her non-verbal cues."
"Look at the way she dresses and carries herself - she's not a virgin anyway." (and that, may i add, is so TOTALLY NOT THE POINT!!)

a quote from the article "Ordained by Nature - Biology Constructs the Sexes" by Kimmel

"Perhaps human rapists, in their own criminally misguided way, are doing the best they can to maximize their fitness," writes Barash (a psychobiologist). Rape, for men, is simply an "adaptive" reproductive strategy for the less successful male - sex by other means. If you can't pass on your genetic material by seduction, then pass it on by rape.

Don't blame the men, though - or even their genetic imperatives. It's really women's fault. "As females evolved to deny males the opportunity to compete at ovulation time, copulation with unwilling females became a feasible strategy for achieving copulation," write Richard Alexander and K. M. Noonan. If women were only a bit more compliant, it would seem, men wouldn't be forced to resort to rape as a reproductive tactic.

what bullshit.
you know what?
you wanna talk evolution?
there's a reason why these guys couldn't get the females they wanted
and thus could not reproduce by usual means of seduction and what have you.
they were meant to be sieved out through evolution.
cos instead of having a brain, they only got a penis.
yeah poor thing.
no free will.
no brain to think.
the little buddy down there controls it all.

but hey.
don't blame the women.
this is only evolution at work mah.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/28/2004 01:21:00 AM

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