in thoughts...
Monday, October 25, 2004
heh haven't done quizzes for a while..
She is a hybrid of:
Academic Girl Progressive Girl Click on the pictures below to read more:
She is a hybrid of:
Academic Girl Progressive Girl Click on the pictures below to read more:
Musings in little thought bubbles floating up up up... *poof*
"I believe in love, not in fear." this one's just for fun... went with db n zhen to... random thoughts about family... two guys stepped on my toes! GRRR... both literal... read zee's blog entry about horror gf/bf.. though... got a mail from WF... about cherishing who you hav... A bad case of deja vu. Swaps In sync ended late, ... hmm. 21st birthday today. met up with the girls fo... AGM tomorrow. stepping down. internal elections ne... beautiful moon tonight! Hope you all saw it... if ...
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