in thoughts...

Friday, September 03, 2004

AGM tomorrow.
stepping down.
internal elections next week.

today a friend talked to me about God. maybe i should pray. hah.

i think my tutorial sub-group all slackers. i need to get out of there man. was actually not in the greatest mood when i came out of tutorial.

me and Db saw K at swaps table - leaving this part for the last. *guffaws in the meantime*

A saucepan as decoy.

And a literal Heat Wave when A's door was opened. hah.

i was showered with love (shaped balloons hahah)

thanks for all the prezzies!

and the cards!! all so lovely and nicely made! :)

Love-ly pink balloons.

i think i could hide a person in my room amidst all of them and no one would know. hahah.

And *guffaws somemore* going back to the swaps table story where we met K:

"Oh you're all wet at the back! Did you just come?"

*doubles up with laughter*

i need to study for quiz. If I flunk it, my new motto for the sem will be:

Fail a test
Ace the rest

yeah like real. i'm so screwed.

posted by Sodium-squared at 9/03/2004 01:16:00 AM

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