in thoughts...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

it was a crazy thought. i shouldn't entertain it. haha. pure madness.


Feuerwerks. haha. stood beside this German couple for a while on Sunday when i was trying to squeeze past the sardined crowd to get to the swappies. couldn't understand what they were saying. Except the part when the lady stepped on my foot with her heels and she said "Entschuldigong" followed by "Sorry".

Heh. i think i looked like an idiot. i was smiling because i knew what that meant, and she didn't know i knew. but it must have looked damn stupid - you step on someone's foot and they SMILE at you? HAHA. never mind. it was dark and i don't think she saw my idiotic grin.

but wah, being a sardine is no fun man. watching fireworks like in standing sauna. hot ah.

monday fireworks was a totally different story. we were so close it was amazing! haha. BEAUTIFUL! even though sunday's fireworks were kinda like a prelude (there were some repeats) for the main fireworks during NDP. good food too! hahha. i'm such a cheapskate.


I don't know what has changed. but it suddenly feels very different. what did i do? what did you do? what did i not do? what did you not do? damn weird.

why are people so complicated creatures? i think this "weird feeling" is mutual.

so what should i do??!! argh.


slept through most of my first lecture of the semester. 8 am. bleargh. but quite a couple of us taking that module. just found out. complementary medicine. heh. i still think it's gonna be quite interesting. it's just.. i was tired lah. was damn awake at 2+am last night. screwed up sleeping times. :(

went grocery shopping! haha. always cheers me up. but i unpacked the stuff and it din seem like a lot leh. short-lived cheapo retail therapy.

posted by Sodium-squared at 8/10/2004 11:15:00 PM

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