in thoughts...

Monday, June 28, 2004

shopping thoughts

now i know why people take so long in fitting rooms. especially when they shop alone. if you have someone with you it's another opinion of "Nice!" or "NO, don't think you should get that one." Speeds up the process. And that's useful when the apparel is EXPENSIVE. so if they're alone they tend to keep looking to see how it looks on them, to either convince themself to buy or to put it back on the racks. or they sms or call their friend to get opinions.

hah. that was me. damn it.


was in the queue to try on the clothes yesterday. there was this cutest and prettiest little girl (looks about 5 years old) and she was crawling around under the racks of clothes beside the queue. had really big bright eyes and nice dark brown hair. so her mum was calling out to her to get her to stand up. her mum was in the queue too, about 2 people behind.

so i went into one of the fitting cubicles (which in wisma isetan, is separated by curtains that don't touch the ground, they end about 15cm from the ground). it happened that the girl's mum went into the cubicle beside me and the little girl went in with her. so i could see her shoes as she moved into the cubicle. then she got down on all fours (as i saw her hands too) and she was crawling towards my cubicle (could see the shape of her head against the curtain and her hands and shoes all coming my way). and the CUTEST thing? She started getting hiccups. haha. damn funny. so i saw little hands and little shoes and heard cute little hiccups. and the mom was telling her "hey dun open the curtain, dear!"
posted by Sodium-squared at 6/28/2004 11:20:00 AM

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