in thoughts...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

choppy waters capsized boat

my goodness. i'm quite tired. haha. 2 hours plus of kayaking today felt like my whole 2 days of one star course. haha.

well considering that i capsized twice, haha, it's really not much wonder that i'm tired. sheesh, i prefer doing rescue much more than being the one rescued. haha. feel so helpless just floating around there.

and i think next time i rather have a couple of difficult launches than launch with my kayak half full of water, since i'd capsize just a while later anyway. i turned back to head for shore but changed my mind in the end and just headed out. haha. now i know what that skill our instructor taught at the very last part of 2nd day was for. he said it's not for one star, and we didn't practise much - trying to prevent capsize with either a low press down of paddles, or the one where you lock your arms tight to your body and paddles high near shoulders. that's when water level's much higher. it felt damn silly practising that in low calm waters. but today's waters, wah lau, i think it would have been put to good use.

anyway i capsized and was just floating around with my kayak. and i just felt for a moment, hey, this is how i feel now. my life. helpless. being pushed around. having aim but UNABLE to reach it. waiting for help. and feeling alone. my goodness i think i waited damn long before rescue came cos all of them had difficulty launching. haha. just damn glad to see shiyun coming my way. at first thought no one saw my paddle up. haha. for a moment i wondered if i would float out to sea, like really out. haha. stupid me. never mind. cos when the waves really go up and down i can't even see shiyun and XT's kayaks.and i seriously wondered if they could see me. and san mao is my hero for the day. haha. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 6/17/2004 08:48:00 PM

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