in thoughts...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A bad case of deja vu.

Swaps In sync ended late, reached home late, slept late.
had early morning seminar to attend.
took cab to event venue.

Swaps AGM ended late, reached room late. slept late.
had early morning convention to attend.
took cab to event venue.

wah piang. and they say our life story goes in a circle.

watched SATC whole of the rest of sat once i got home. haha. was supposed to be catching up on sleep. my eye bags are gigantic.

anyway my brother's missing on season 2 last 6 episodes!! argh!! how irritating. had to jump to season 3. no fun.

but oh gosh. was tearing when Miranda was telling Steve about why she wants him in her life but was hesitant about him moving in. It's the episode - Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl. wait till i get hold of the actual lines she said.

Miranda's my fave character so far. hee. for all her neurotic behaviour, she's really witty and funny.

Tulip Hearts Day 5th Sept!

heh. second year in a row that i went. and my gosh i bought 5 tulips. yikes. $10. but they're in such pretty colours. haha. i'd call myself a bimbo if i looked pretty at all. haha.

was quite hesitant to approach this gruff looking guy who looked like he was in a hurry and was smoking a cigarette and also looked like he was ready to bash people with the roll of newspaper he held in his hand.

but i did anyway. and he actually donated $5. with a gruff response "For children then can. Anyone else i don't donate."


he didn't take the tulip though. didn't go with the LOOK. haha. would have been cute to see him continue walking in that manner holding a hot pink tulip or something.

approached a couple to ask for donations - the girl took out $1 and the guy took out $5 simultaneously. Girl put in her donation and quickly pushed away the guy's hand holdin the $5 bill and walked off with him.


tuition with B.

he was fiddling with a almost totally used-up Ambi-Pur bottle. then he was dabbing it on my hand while i was marking his work. (he was supposed to be doing some problem sums but itchy fingers again, as usual)

Me: What do you think you're doing?
B: Oh, this one ah, you put on the hand and then later you walk out all the men will melt into water!
Me: Huh? *half amused at what an absurb idea that was* Hurry up and do the rest lah!

later i went home. TV-deprived me suddenly caught this advert of Elizabeth Arden's new fragrance "Provocative Woman". And true enough all the men turned into water once the woman with the fragrance walked by.

Had a birthday breakfast muffin from Db!! haha. she's so cute this girl. and got a message in a bottle! :)

tuition with R.

last wed had tuition with R - she asked me about this problem sum. I din manage to solve it on the spot but being extremely irritated with that fact and feeling super stubborn about it, i wrote down the question to go back to think about it (which i absolutely forgot about since i was busy with stuff). and she has this way of, i dunno, consoling me "If you can't figure out it's ok, i can ask my daddy, or if he doesn't know then i can ask my school teacher."

nothing else makes me more determined to solve the sum. stupid ego i think.

anyway i went today and she said her dad couldn't solve it. Her mum went to approach her church mates, couldn't solve it. Her mum went to friends with children in sec 1 - hoping their minds are still fresh from PSLE mode and could help. Nope.

So i looked at the paper. and suddenly i saw the answer.

and that moment was amazing. it was a moment that made you feel like a genius and an idiot all AT THE SAME TIME. Genius because it was different from the standard way questions were asked, thus throwing us off track - to figure it out finally felt really good. Idiot because it was staring at me in the face and i din bloody see it - in the end you think, hey, it's a PSLE question, meant for a 12 year old. And there i was, so darn happy just because i solved it. haha.

oh well. haha. time to zzz.

anyone who wants a hand at that problem sum let me know. it actually only takes one step. if you know it the moment you see it, you'll be my new idol. for a while at least. haha.
posted by Sodium-squared at 9/07/2004 02:49:00 AM

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