in thoughts...

Friday, October 29, 2004

a "heat-ed" argument

okie. i sense some heat in the argument.
and thus i shall not use any expletives, vulgarities and so on.
*flashes angelic smile*

the idea of "heat" in animals, if you want to apply it to humans,
i'll go along with that.
so for women, when will that be?
ovulation time i gather.
that's when the woman is most fertile
please correct me if i'm wrong
i'm not a bio student
gathered that info from a comment from J's blog (can't remember for sure)

now now
during ovulation i suppose women thus give out certain pheromones
that i suppose you can draw a parallel to animals,
let's say female cats in heat.
the male species "senses" that heat
REACTS to that by trying to mate with the female.
the male cat mates with the female cat
they have pretty little kittens (good for them! genes passed on. bad for AVA.)

In the animal kingdom
Knowing that the female is in heat
AND then having intercourse with that female
i think i can safely say
is perfectly legitimate
after all the ultimate aim in life
is to pass on the genes, no?
last i heard they haven't had any constitution or charter for the females yet

In the human world
Knowing that the female is ovulating (in heat I assumed)
Doesn't mean the guy can just go ahead and have sex with her
because HER ultimate goal in life may not be to have babies
maybe not ever to have babies
maybe not now
maybe not with this guy
Correct interpretation of the "heat" season for this girl by this guy
doesn't entitle him to "help" her fulfill what he "thinks" she needs

because, come on, think about it
when women ovulate, which is EVERY month
they can't say to their pheromones,
"hey don't travel out to guys! I don't want to get raped!"
we can't help sending out these pheromones
and if you're telling me
by sending out these pheromones i'm inviting rape
well thanks for that
i think i should lock myself up for those few days every month
i mean, an innocent guy reading my pheromones
might do something wrong
and it'll be my fault if he goes to jail.

we are not just animals
we have morals
which indicate that rape is immoral
(rape - "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent" - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

and maybe you'll argue that the human is just another animal
but think again
are we just another type of animal?

"You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let''s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"
- The Bad Touch, Bloodhound Gang


and yes for the politically correct disclaimer - i'm okie with many many things, but some things just get me fired up all the wrong ways. sorry if i offended anyone. wasn't intentional. just need to get it out of my system.

and for the previous quiz that said I am "a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to [my] peaceful, nurturing nature."

well okie THAT one is bullshit.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/29/2004 01:23:00 AM

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