in thoughts...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

finished dan brown's book on monday night..
wah.. twist until i blur.. ha.. but a good read nonetheless..
still prefer The Da Vinci Code though..
but there was a part, reading Angels and Demons, that i felt really touched..
the camerlengo's speech..
was super long, but i felt every point he brought up was strong and relevant in some way..
and when he said "Pray with me."
something about the whole scene:
"The College of Cardinals dropped to their knees to join him in prayer. Outside in St. Peter's Square and around the globe... a stunned world knelt with them."

imagine that..
a stunned world knelt with them..
that was the line i think, that had so much impact on me
imagine a world without differences
correction - a world without perceived differences
praying together..
in fact, maybe even praying to their own gods for peoples of another faith
just imagine that..
well at least for me, that was a very powerful image
wonder if that day will ever come
posted by Sodium-squared at 7/20/2005 09:41:00 PM

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