in thoughts...
Sunday, July 31, 2005
sooooooooo bigggggggggg already!

very notti. but so cute. think he's teething so he's like destroying everything. hee.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
word play
the famous ones, maybe you've seen before, many being news headlines, because of their need to be short and concise:
Car Talks at Noon
Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
Murder Case: Jury Hung
and so on.. can't remember many more..
but just realized on tv, they're advertising this M1 3-G(? or something la) movie
the title is word play too!
天使我爱你 (Heaven made me love you)
天使,我爱你 (I love you, Angel)
i love word play.
本地歌手。。。 ;)
那女孩对我说 - 黄义达
心很空 天很大 云很重
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
wah.. twist until i blur.. ha.. but a good read nonetheless..
still prefer The Da Vinci Code though..
but there was a part, reading Angels and Demons, that i felt really touched..
the camerlengo's speech..
was super long, but i felt every point he brought up was strong and relevant in some way..
and when he said "Pray with me."
something about the whole scene:
"The College of Cardinals dropped to their knees to join him in prayer. Outside in St. Peter's Square and around the globe... a stunned world knelt with them."
imagine that..
a stunned world knelt with them..
that was the line i think, that had so much impact on me
imagine a world without differences
correction - a world without perceived differences
praying together..
in fact, maybe even praying to their own gods for peoples of another faith
just imagine that..
well at least for me, that was a very powerful image
wonder if that day will ever come
Monday, July 18, 2005
hooked on brown
my gosh.. how do people write like that??
and the main character Robert Langdon is soooooo lovable.. ha
ideal version of man with brains that oozes sexiness, man..
*collects drool*
well yes, up to the point i've read he's making blunders
but still.. he's witty.. i like.. ha
and yesh, i'm so gonna get the rest of Dan Brown's works..
so totally hooked..
and it makes you wonder if the authors who come up with such witty characters are actually so full of wit themselves in real life
if yes, then woah, Dan Brown must be such a personality himself too.. ha
or maybe they're the "witty-in-imagination" only kind...
as in they can only come up with witty statements after thinking for a long time or for imaginary situations..
back to reading Angels and Demons!
(for the wonderful folks who've been asking me to settle my thesis idea, yeah i know, tomorrow the search begins. tonight is the night.. that i finish this book! ha)
dun wanna do my thesis this sem, wanna hand up next sem.
so that means i've to do more psychology modules this sem.
never mind.
then the UE i've been waiting for (specially took that pre-requisite from EL just to do Child Language) is not available till sem 2.
fine. i'll wait. since i've already waited so long to do it.
wanted to do cybercrime cos i thought it was quite interesting.
but dang
only available next sem too!
and the other psych modules that i wanna take, intro to counselling and cog neuropsych are all next sem!!
siao ah.. how to do lidat
do thesis + child language + cybercrime + counselling + cog neuropsych and slack for this sem? ha
tempting tempting...
i think i have to forget about cybercrime and do...
anyone took it before?
is it actually do-able?
think i saw my friend's notes in year 1 sem 1 and went like "HUH??"
but i'm gonna S/U it la, so.. ha..
just wanna know if i'm super mega wasting my time doing it..
*muttering and cursing*
moments from internship
oh wait not really.. took leave last week.. ha
anyway.. YL was real sweet to give us all gifts on our last day
gave the girls plates from ikea with fabric paint words on them.. :)
and gave the guys postcards
which i think began the computer comments (cos D's card was some comment drawing an analogy between humans and computers)
D: oh there was one - Men are just like computers; you have to turn them on before you can do anything with them.
Al: one about women - Women are just like computers; you only like the one you have until the next better model comes up.
(i expressed my disagreement with this comment, ha)
Al: Oh, i just thought of one: Women are just like computers; there is one you put at home and some that you bring around with you when you're out. (ie laptops, palmtops)
(i was still disagreeing, but thought, Al actually quite creative ah? haha)
think this group of people really quite fun.. but some moments really laughed but now can't remember liao...but this one was just last tue, so i remember:
we were talking about the futility of some actions, and YL and N were trying to outdo each other in terms of futile acts -
YL: Why do you put makeup when you're gonna wash it off again tonight?
N: Why do you wash your makeup off when you're gonna put it on again tomorrow morning?
YL: Why do you put perfume when you're gonna shower tonight?
N: Why do you make your bed if you're gonna sleep in it again tonight?
YL: i dun! ha
N: Why do you wipe your ass if you're gonna shit again tomorrow?
yeah, we were bored.. ha.. but this wasn't during working time.. we were waiting for the rest to get ready to set off together for our mini-farewell dinner just for interns..
not really gonna miss the work, but maybe just the people.. ha..
Saturday, July 09, 2005
ain't a cock but still.. cock-eyed..
A random reader (Thanks, Wenhoo! Welcome to this almost dead blog.. ha) told me i'm cock-eyed...
hmm, actually quite a bit of truth in that.. anyone who has really looked at my eyes carefully would notice that one of my eyes is not "centralized".. can't remember if it's my left or my right.. dun like to look in the mirror much, though i do like my eyes, flaws and all.. ha.. i think i just try not to focus too much on the cock-eyed-ness.. ha
i think my uncle was the first to notice that my eyes were a bit weird.. just a while after i was born.. my mom din even notice.. ha.. can't blame her for not noticing, i think i made her go into labour and refused to budge out to enter this world till about most of the day was over.. from morning till evening i think.. must be damn tired.. ha..
internship supposedly ended yesterday.
the word is "supposedly".
think either we (the interns) love the place so much that we're still going back next week to collect more data for them,
or they love us so much that they just dun wanna let us go
but ha, loved the skit we put up yesterday for closing ceremony..
Prison interns rule!! YAY!!
haha.. YL was damn natural and funny
but ha, she told me not to laugh (cos i act opposite her and i always can't help laughing at her funny antics), in the end she was the one to start laughing.. ha.. made me wanna laugh too..
but at least she could convert her wanna-laugh sounds into crying sounds.. ha..
and she really looked like a CWP inmate with her 3-quart beige pants and white shirt.. ha
Xinli and Liying's Convo next week!!
amazing.. and so scary at the same time
they have their jobs out ahead of them liao.. and me? still uncertain over this last year in NUS
it's different when i see seniors like Des and June graduate to go out to work
think it's something about ppl my age, ppl i grew up with, they're going out to work liao..
well good luck gals! hope accountants have more of a life than we thought.. ;)