in thoughts...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

it's been a while..

it's been a long while since i updated..
it's really amazing how fast time passes
my last entry was the day before school started
and now it's one week before mid term break

life's been busy
i've finally been spared the agony of morning travel, banging my sleepy head against windows and innocent bus passengers happening to sit beside me during those long journeys to school.
finally got hall.
still no news of my beloved Ext A, so off to PGP i go.
the bathroom still feels claustrophobically small, though i've finally gotten used to it, like where to put my barang without getting them wet.
it mean, it's not like i do aerobics during my shower, but dun have to be so stingy in bathroom space right?
i kinda feel like a car going into a small little car wash thingy whenever i bathe.
it's like any second now there are gonna be scrubs and brushes coming out of the walls to bathe me and i dun have to move so i dun need that much space.
so bloody cramped.

ok. gonna stop complaining. got room = good.
the fan's damn power though. i like.
and my room's near the bus terminal. i like.
and shiyun's real close over at KE, and shi ting's staying near, and andy's 2 blocks away (COOK COOK COOK TOGETHER! ha)

had a good saturday midnight chat, a good sunday night, a good monday afternoon/night. 3 of you, you know who you are. Thanks. I'm blessed really.
posted by Sodium-squared at 9/13/2005 09:52:00 PM

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