in thoughts...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

beautiful moon tonight! Hope you all saw it... if not, think tonight's one should be pretty too, provided there are no clouds covering...

had a lot of fleeting thoughts that i din manage to hold on to. and now, sleepless at 5am, taking a break from other stuff i have to do, i think it's time to chase some of them back...

Dependency can't be a good thing. think Db and me keep having this thought these couple of days, or maybe even weeks. it's a thought that resurfaces from time to time as we do stuff.

still there is this gladness that at least we have people to depend on.

thanks to all the seniors who are around for us.

and we wonder, where will we be without them?

watched The Village with Sb, WF, Dez, Db couple of weeks back.

was damn stupid. just minutes before the end of the show, it blacked out for like at least 3 minutes. After the girl said something like, "I'm back."

and when it came on again, straight away credits going up.


found out from my friend that after that they gave the guy the medicine, and she said that she killed the creature, and the parents cried.

how can you keep anyone from hurt? how can you keep anyone from ever feeling sorrow? it's not possible. it's part and parcel of life.

in trying to stop the world from harming their children, they inevitably also lost their loved ones to disease, infections, and unexpected outbursts of murderous anger.

there is no perfect world. there can be no shelter from harsh reality either.

was watching SATC. my bro borrowed from someone. i think i'm hooked. haha. but i just started watching second season. ;)

remembered this episode which reminded me of a quote i posted on my blog previously. it was the episode where Carrie farted while she was in bed with Mr Big. it was about how women think that men expected women to be perfect - no weird body gas, nice-smelling hair on the head and no hair elsewhere, to look like a poster girl the moment they wake up.. oh actually maybe even before they wake up.. the precious moments before waking up when they stir in their sleep.. they're expected to look damn drop dead gorgeous even from those moments..

i previously posted something from Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination:

Scott Rich: Guys like women to look natural.
Olivia: Wrong. They want women to look how they do when they've finished doing their hair and make-up to look natural.

i wonder if it is women with overactive imagination - that they think that men expect all of these from women.

too much tv and movies i think. for both men and women.

posted by Sodium-squared at 8/31/2004 05:04:00 AM

Monday, August 30, 2004

posted by Sodium-squared at 8/30/2004 03:42:00 AM

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

to have lost. and found. is a wonderful feeling. but i rather not go through that again. caused me hell a lot of panic.

but thanks to the kind soul, whoever you are.

Happy Birthday Shiyun! :)

to the teenager-wannabe, remember... We're BOTH 20! haha. shit i'm damn mean..

hiak hiak hiak.

to the 3 girls who knew or cared, thank goodness i have you.

for being there. for that small squeeze on the arm. for the icq messages of concern and cheery sms-es. for hanging out together.

such DAW-lings. ;)

time for a lil' jog.
posted by Sodium-squared at 8/18/2004 12:35:00 AM

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

it was a crazy thought. i shouldn't entertain it. haha. pure madness.


Feuerwerks. haha. stood beside this German couple for a while on Sunday when i was trying to squeeze past the sardined crowd to get to the swappies. couldn't understand what they were saying. Except the part when the lady stepped on my foot with her heels and she said "Entschuldigong" followed by "Sorry".

Heh. i think i looked like an idiot. i was smiling because i knew what that meant, and she didn't know i knew. but it must have looked damn stupid - you step on someone's foot and they SMILE at you? HAHA. never mind. it was dark and i don't think she saw my idiotic grin.

but wah, being a sardine is no fun man. watching fireworks like in standing sauna. hot ah.

monday fireworks was a totally different story. we were so close it was amazing! haha. BEAUTIFUL! even though sunday's fireworks were kinda like a prelude (there were some repeats) for the main fireworks during NDP. good food too! hahha. i'm such a cheapskate.


I don't know what has changed. but it suddenly feels very different. what did i do? what did you do? what did i not do? what did you not do? damn weird.

why are people so complicated creatures? i think this "weird feeling" is mutual.

so what should i do??!! argh.


slept through most of my first lecture of the semester. 8 am. bleargh. but quite a couple of us taking that module. just found out. complementary medicine. heh. i still think it's gonna be quite interesting. it's just.. i was tired lah. was damn awake at 2+am last night. screwed up sleeping times. :(

went grocery shopping! haha. always cheers me up. but i unpacked the stuff and it din seem like a lot leh. short-lived cheapo retail therapy.

posted by Sodium-squared at 8/10/2004 11:15:00 PM

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

hmm. i'm back.

back from matric fair and dnd.
hmm. a lot went thru my mind. no time to blog.

this quote kept running through my mind. for some reason.

"If I could I would write with love, but if I could write with love, I would be another man: I would never have lost love."
- "Maurice Bendrix" from The End of the Affair, written by Graham Greene.

something... wistful about the line. not sure if that's the right word, but yes it was stuck in my mind.

about choice. and the lack of it. about regret. about not being able to change things.

doing matric fair and dnd - realized that these are probably the last few projects i'm doing for swaps. and looking back at this one year brings back a lot of thoughts.

If I could turn back the time, was there anything else I could have done? I think so.

but I can't turn back time, so maybe there's no use thinking about it.

i think it's a blessing in disguise that I'm not the publicity director for swaps. :) I'm much better sticking to the secretary post.

went with ZS and G on sunday to Bras Basah to do stuff for matric fair.

walked behind this old man who was using the hairgel my grandpa used.

for that minute it felt as if my grandpa was there with me.

scents are amazing things.

it's tough to be able to see things from 2 viewpoints. it tears me up. if i could only insist on only seeing it one way, it'd be easier for me. but i'm split right in the middle.

how now, brown cow?


posted by Sodium-squared at 8/03/2004 05:25:00 PM