in thoughts...

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

2 days of siao onz mugging = 2 VERY DARK eye rings

it has actually been fruitful - staying up for 2 nights, sneaking in some sleep during the day.
not touching the laptop - good... less distraction.
tehchinno - good... quite amazed when I saw the guy making the drink - it MAINLY contains MILK, which should make me wanna sleep, but no, the little bit of tea and therefore the little bit of caffeine keeps me up..
textbooks are finally seeming a bit more interesting - but developmental psych textbook organization is SUPER bad...

came back to hall wanting to sleep, but hmm, went past the sleepy stage, so went to read blogs... very awake now... haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 4/07/2004 11:04:00 AM

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