in thoughts...

Sunday, March 28, 2004


I'm about to burst. No that sounds too mild. Make it explode.

Just finished one damn last minute project last night. Was quite happy cos even though that group project started late cos we procrastinated, they're quite good last minute workers, so in the end the product was not too bad.

You never realize how good one seemingly lousy project group is, until you meet a WORSE one.

I could fill this entry with a lot of vulgarities. I would if I could find enough to express myself.

told them to send me their parts so I can compile. Late, never mind. Still got a bit of time.

opened up the attachment and realized: she totally din register anything that we said in the last discussion. FOR GOODNESS SAKE, LISTEN! give me late, at least have some quality can??!!

wah lau. I HATE THIS. and my god, i still have to do ONE MORE FREAKING presentation with this group.

okie i shouldn't slam the whole group. It's just this one person. WAH LAU! And for the presentation, she actually VOLUNTEERED to do a very big, and long part. I'm freaking out now. Damnit.
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/28/2004 04:48:00 PM

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