in thoughts...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

still random thoughts

this bugger who lives 2 floors above me has this freaking habit of pouring his remaining water out of the window. bloody idiot.
when he pours it out of the window where my table is at, it sometimes splatters unto my laptop or notes.
it just happened that on TWO of the few occasions i hang my clothes to dry at the other window i have, he poured water from that window. BOTH times.
what luck.
i shudder to think about the original use of the water before he decided to pour it down.
at first i wasn't sure who was it - i'm staying on the 5th floor, so it has to be either the 6th or 7th floor person.
thought about going up one day to confront him/her after one of the occasions when my clothes kenna, then decided against it. wasn't a lot of water, and well i was lazy la.
then last wed night, the bugger poured COFFEE out of the window.
eeeeeeeeeediot la.
and then i heard clearly from above me, this girl shouting,
think she scolded something else, i can't remember.
but i was like, coolness. it was about 1am or so. haha.
almost wanted to echo it, but then i vaguely remembered in the hostel rules and regulation they said cannot say vulgarities la. ha. must save my ass.
but really la. if it's raining you wanna pour water it's fine.
if it's not raining and you wanna pour water, just dun make my clothes wet or dirty la.
even if your water was clean, by the time it passes thru dirty ledges to drip unto my clothes, it's not very clean le.
and splash onto my laptop and speakers? no insurance leh friend, you pay ah?

was waiting for lift to go downstairs that day.
lift door opens, this guy standing inside, wearing one sock, other sock in hand, a pair of shoes on the floor.
erm. okie. i step into the lift.
it's 5 floors down.
i hold my breath.
he flings his remaining sock up and down VIOLENTLY to shake out i dunno what (the socks are apparently worn before one)
I look at him in disgust and hope my breath lasts till i get fresh air on ground floor.
(i'm standing behind, diagonal to him so he din catch my disgusted look)
and door had to open again at level 2 to let this other guy in.

disgusting la. he better not be the bloody idiot who pours water out of the window.

went to zhen's CARE volunteers orientation today!
and this is so cute - 4 of the volunteers were from VJ, and the two that i talked to were from CIC, my CCA in JC! ha
was telling them that i was their super-old senior.
and it's so funny.
finally found someone who, like me, doesn't play those games like black magic, the MRT game, the who-died game and so on.
and the amazing thing? she ALSO forgets the answer even after figuring it out or after having people tell her the answer.
my gawd. so like me. ha
and we're from the same pri sch!! ha
i mean, i like solving riddles, codes etc, but the games dun really make much sense to me. ha

speaking of riddles and codes,
finally finished reading the rule of four.
reading the blurb and all the comments by reviewers, all the talk about "if you liked the da vinci code, you'd love this", and stuff like this is the more intellectual version of the da vinci code
over-hyped la. good thing i got the cheaper but still in wonderful brand-new condition one.
the authors took 6 years to write the book.
the codes were good but somehow the writing didn't engage me.
confusing plot.
the main character, Tom, would have been a wonderful patient for psychoanalysis though.
all the unresolved issues with his dad, later with his friend.
very confusing.
still prefer the da vinci code.
the movie better be good. really.
me and p were saying that tom hanks is a weird casting for Langdon, but oh well.
at least we get good acting.
next year. next year.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/29/2005 07:15:00 PM

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