in thoughts...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

internship for one week plus liao
and a long weekend to end the first week, ha
quite shiok
it's gonna be quite challenging i think
but so far so good
went for interview sit-in today for the first time
looking forward to going in to do interviews rather than staying in the office

oh and i almost forgot to blog
i saw Yanzi!!
hahah.. 2 sundays ago liao
so excited to see her
she looks so damn vibrant and pretty in person
having coffee with her friends, just hanging out
YAY! my first idol sighting!
so childish. hahah.
okie never mind.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/24/2005 06:53:00 PM

Thursday, May 05, 2005

finished exams yesterday.
going on to 4th year.
the feeling is weird.
i know i'd rather study than work, but somehow there's this uncertainty about year 4 too.
and the thing is, i think i really screwed up my elang paper
and the other papers were just so-so
my CAP is sure to drop, just a matter of how much
so the possibility of doing thesis hangs in the balance
almost 3 months of holidays coming up, but a good two-thirds will be taken up by internship.
and the remaining month or so, hmm.
just wanna laze. but there is so much to do.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/05/2005 09:54:00 PM