in thoughts...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

is your plant sick?

let's do a sidetrack even before i start...

conversation with Mao and SY at dinner just now:
there are some things which we call not using their actual names (nouns) but rather, we call them by the most famous or common brand of that commodity. For instance, for diapers we may say "Pampers", for PDAs we may just say "Palm" or "Palmtop", for toothpaste we may say "Colgate" etc etc...

in any case, you just replace the noun with the famous brand when you say the sentence. Eg "Hey can i borrow your Colgate? Forgot to bring mine." instead of "Hey can i borrow your toothpaste? Forgot to bring mine." And the person hearing this sentence usually won't refute that sentence even if the brand he/she has is not Colgate, and will just pass the toothpaste over.

right. back to what i wanted to talk about.

was turning on the lights of my living room and thus facing the corridor when i suddenly realized that my mom's ang huey plant was growing very nicely. Now this is surprising because not so long ago it looked like it was gonna die anytime soon.

"咪啊,你的 ang huey 长到很美了leh!"
"是loh, 我给它吃 Panadol。"

Now anyone who has talked to my mum before, especially on the phone, will say that she likes to joke. If you call my home and i'm sleeping, my mum will say, "oh, 她在做猪" or if you call and i'm not home, she will say, "oh, 她失踪了"

so i thought she meant she gave the plant a plant type of medicine, but she just called it Panadol. In a way like what i sidetracked to talk about above - calling medicine by the most common type or brand - Panadol.

after a few retarded seconds i realized she looked quite serious.

"真的吃Panadol 啊? 我们吃那个啊?"
"是loh, 上次二姨的水梅生病也是吃Panadol好的。放在水里面,一天浇三次水。"

*blink blink*

like that also can. best.
posted by Sodium-squared at 6/01/2004 10:08:00 PM

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