in thoughts...

Sunday, April 18, 2004

hey cool..try it try it!

heh heh. was reading my bio psych - wah see i'm so hardworking! *winks*

anyway we have this vestibular system located in our middle ears to help tell us the position of our body in relation to gravity, and also to signal changes in the direction and speed of our movements (copied wholesale from textbook, will internalize later... haha...)

so without it, our movements will have very destablizing influence on us - for instance taking a bus (i'm not even talking about a jerky bus ride, just a normal one) each slight movement of the bus could affect your balance - you could potentially fall down many times. or even when we walk - constantly shifting of our weight, we really could be tumbling instead of walking if we din have this system.

heh. try this:
hold your hand in front of you and shake it, your hand should appear blurry.
hold your hand in front of you - hold it still, but shake your head, your hand should remain in focus.

cool eh? it's to illustrate the role of vestibular receptors in helping you compensate for your own movements.

fun... haha... shake head shake hand shake head shake hand shake leg... haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 4/18/2004 12:22:00 AM

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