in thoughts...

Sunday, March 21, 2004

about clouds, politics, false suicide and distorted song lyrics...

was trying to explain to B that when water on our skin evaporates, there's a cooling sensation - which is why we feel cold if we come out of the swimming pool (especially if the wind is blowing - cos wind speeds up evaporation, and evaporation causes this cooling sensation)

Me: You go swimming? (I distinctly recall seeing a picture on the fridge of him, his dad and brother at the pool)
B: No... Dunno how to swim.
Me: (thinking of another example) Hmm... Do you know what happens to the water on your skin if you don't wipe it dry? Like after your shower?
B: Ya... it will evaporate from my skin and form clouds!
Me: (giving him a "Duh" look) Your house got clouds ah? Then got rain or not?
B: No... oh wait, have have!! The clouds hor, when I want to shower then I catch the clouds and swing swing swing then the water droplets will drop down...

was marking his science assessment books when I came across this question... rephrased cos I can't remember exact question...

"Singapore obtains some of her water through her reservoirs. Singapore also buys some of her water from her neighbours. Why do you think there is such a need?"

His answer, while incorrect in terms of what science teachers want, offer some food for thought.

"We need to stay friendly with each other neighbouring countries."

Another science question - about the Dead Sea between Israel and Jordan being so salty that a person cannot sink in it. The question was about why the water is so salty. I was reading out the question to him before explaining the answer when he interrupted me.

B: Hey, cannot sink ah? I know! next time you want to trick your boyfriend, then you pretend say "I go and die for you to see ah! I jump in ah!" Then you jump in and then after that come up and say "Aiyah, I pretend only lah..." (laughs in self-amusement)

Me: Very funny hor... So what's the answer?!?!

Me: So what is the lowest common multiple of 15 and 6?
B: (starts singing) 哈萨雅琪, 哈萨雅琪, 一个小眼睛...
Me: (half-laughing) 是 "一朵小野菊", 不是 "一个小眼睛"...
B: (changes song, and starts singing in a very "gek say" way) 依然记得从你眼中滑落的泪伤心欲绝...

man... spoil one of my fave songs... and of cos he din get the exact words as I typed above.. those were the actual lyrics of 黄昏 by 周传雄... I really couldn't figure out what words he thought were the lyrics...

posted by Sodium-squared at 3/21/2004 12:24:00 AM

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