in thoughts...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

compelled by love to blog.. ha..

from shiyun's...
1. the tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover
2. need to mention the sex of the target
3. tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their comments. this is supposed to be a game. once you are tagged, you are supposed to answer these questions in your own blog

1. Ideal lover. 标准情人? :)
i. intelligent to a certain extent (able to engage me intellectually)
ii. helpful and kind to people in general
iii. zealous at what he does
iv. gets along with my family
v. empathic, able to understand how i feel
vi. honest and honourable
vii. naughty. just a bit will do. ha.
viii. supportive of me

2. male please. :)

3. anyone who's still reading, at this point.. ha.
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/26/2006 11:06:00 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

surprise surprise

after so many years of project work, i thought i've seen them all.
the super enthu one - few and far between
the super slack one - always never come for meeting/never do anything
the NATO (no action talk only) - speaks very loud but does very little
the brains - may or may not talk a lot but know what they doing (but maybe don't tell you only)
the hardworking - just tell them what to do
the secretary - take notes and remind people to do their stuff
the forgetful one - not that don't wanna do the work, just forgot only
the busy one - always rushing somewhere to do something (different from the super slack one because this one has reasons/excuses not to do work/come for meeting)
the nice one - offer to do things, even if got other faults you also dun feel like blaming them
the sidetracker - always leads the discussion elsewhere - where it's not very constructive

this one surprises me because he's slack, like REALLY slack (i wanna say a characteristic of his here, but it's too telling), but he has moments of being the brains, which quickly veer into being sidetracking. and he's an honours year student. that's the surprising part. well at least for me. maybe i shouldn't be so surprised in the first place. honours is now free for all isn't it? no big deal. urgh. and i hear his future career, i say good luck to those he'll come into contact with, man.
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/22/2006 12:39:00 AM