in thoughts...
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
The Incredibles!!
go watch EveryBody! hahaha
and the line that made me go awww...
*spoilers ahead*
"I can't lose you again.. I'm not strong enough.."
and sometimes you think
it's not bad to have a weakness
if that weakness has got to do with love.
You Are the Helper |
2 You always put on a happy face and try to help those around you. You're incredibly empathetic and care about everyone you know. Able to see the good in others, you're thoughtful, warm, and sincere. You connect with people who are charming and charismatic. |
Monday, November 29, 2004
You Are From Saturn |
![]() You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams.You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible.Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun!Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of. |
Saturday, November 27, 2004
can't believe i spent so much time surfing.
looking at gross pics somemore.
friend sent me website
with lots of gore-y stuff.
very grossed out but at the same time
wanted to see.
okie fine i'm weird
and sick (??!! damn)
one last paper
must study study study!

Your Beauty lies inIntelligence. Logical, wise and a book-worm. You
have a mature beauty andlook that shows how smart you are. You rely solely
on your logic to solve allyour or anyone else's problems, which is a bit of a
two-sided coin. The factmakes you seem rather emotionless and cold to some
people. Not everything can besolved with logic. Despite it, many come to you for
advice and love howsmart you are, wondering if there is anything you
don't know. You probably don'twear much make-up as it distracts you from your
studies, but you may wear a pairof glasses just because you like how you look in
them, whether you need them ornot. For the most part, your looks mean little to
you, which makes all the moreattractive, especially when you're concentrated on
something. Good for you. Nowgo get your next A+.
Some Things That
Element: Water,Light Animal: Owl Color: Black,
White, Blues Song:Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Expression:
Concentrated Stare
Gemstone: Topaz
MythologicalCreature: Centaur Sign: Libra
Planet: Uranus Hair Color: Dusty Blonde Eye Color: Gray-Blue
"Knowledge ispower."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
Thursday, November 25, 2004
the action i enjoy most
is putting away the notes and books and notes and books
of the module i just finished.
3 down, 2 to go!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
You are Poetry.You are often the most emotional of the arts. You
are introverted, in that you tend to let people
come to you rather than trying to get their
attention. You get along well with Music and
What form of art are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
when the grade A+ is dirt-cheap - something's wrong man
dirt-cheap A+ grades up for grabs
just take the comp med module
every frigging test, A+ is the norm, followed by A, and "peppered" by some other grades like Bs and Cs
the frequencies of Bs and Cs are about slightly higher than the totally empty columns(where ppl dun turn up for tests or hand in proj)
i've never felt so "displeased" at getting a grade before.
displeased at getting an A+, no less.
it just lost its value
when my group for Jap studies did our project and got A+
that feeling stands in TOTAL CONTRAST to what i feel now
we worked our asses off for that one
and when we got A+, that was pure GRATIFICATION
i din deserve an A+ on the comp med proj
rushed last minute
for an essay allowing you to write anything between 200-800 words
i only wrote 300+, almost 400
and you scroll down the excel file where everyone's grades are written
ALL are either A+ or A
about 0.5% are empty - hah
98% are A+
what crap.
what kinda warped bell curve are they using??
i hate it when all the while you're getting okie grades
and suddenly you get the exam results and it's bloody bad
BECOS of the bell curve adjustment
Monday, November 01, 2004
20 Questions to being a Better Person
Your score as a human being is 107.25.
You are a pleasure to be with and a pleasure to be. Your friends do not envy so much as admire you, and you lead your life with grace, honor, and dignity. This site is humbled to have you take a test on it.
Which brings one to wonder, what are you doing goofing off on the Internet?
20 Questions to a Better Relationship
eXpressive: 3/10
Practical: 6/10
Physical: 4/10
Giver: 7/10
You are a RPIG--Reserved Practical Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Rock of Gibraltar.
You are loyal, kind, thoughtful and conscientious. You're a good person. You make everyone around you happier and better, even if you yourself are not at your happiest or best. You just care so much about your friends and loved ones that you can't help giving them everything of yourself. It can wear you out, but you'd never let on.
You're successful, smart and fun to be with, but your self-esteem could use some boosting. You don't like conflict, and you don't like demanding things for yourself, so you can feel unappreciated. But then you wonder if you don't deserve to be appreciated. You do!
You have many small crushes, but it takes you ages to get to a serious stage with someone. You get so caught up second-guessing yourself and worrying if the other person really *likes* likes you that you never dare to make the first move. Generally you end up with another clever RPIG who knows one when s/he sees one. This adds up to one long courtship. Fortunately this also adds up to one long marriage.
You would never cheat. You would never hurt anyone's feelings. You are so sympathetic and give so many second chances that it takes a lo-o-ong time for anyone to get on your bad side. Your only problem is you can be *too* thoughtful -- you can end up worrying and getting hung up over nothing.
You may be a boy scout.
Of the 145292 people who have taken this quiz, 7 % are this type.