in thoughts...

Thursday, April 22, 2004

running last nite was good... i'd switched to the track during the last couple of runs - because wanted to be within close proximity to hall... exam time, din wanna stress myself too much, wanted to just run leisurely and come back to study when i wanted to...

today ran the A2 route again. a bit faster than the last time i did it. and the distance did feel a bit longer than what i do on the track - though it could have been because of the slopes. but it felt good. :) remembered why i prefer the round-the-school path rather than the tracks -

more.. interesting (saw this luminous blue light thingy shining from grass patch at area between back of PGP and NUH, dunno what it is though..)

more.. motivating (i die die have to reach Ext A - if i walk, i'm gonna take longer, might as well run... for the tracks can just stop anytime i want, and just cross the road)

more.. satisfying (just went I feel VERY tired and feel like stopping, I'd remind myself that there's a nice downward slope coming.. and i love the feeling of running downslope.. so that keeps me going... and the A2 route is just nice.. when i tire out from one part, the next part lets me regain some energy - flatter ground or downslope)

oh and i saw a very cute and small snail on the slope that leads down to the SRC running tracks. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 4/22/2004 06:04:00 AM

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